Tuesday, July 17, 2012

French Omelet

I made the decision to be the one who makes the food in this house.  Not that Adam can't cook, he can, he does very well.  However, I really want to eat the foods I want to eat and I can't expect him to make the foods I want to make.

So, with that being said, I waited too long to make breakfast.  He had a skype meeting at 11am, so I gave him noshy food to carry him to our lunch.  Where I made a most delicious French Omelet that I found in the best cookbook.

I made one little change, since we do eat cheese, I added some shredded cheddar jack cheese in with the ham.  I made two of these on our double long griddle.  I've included a couple of pictures, one which is the perfect cookbook picture and the one that looks like how most of us do things, a little deconstructed.

I have to say, they both tasted amazing.  Since it became a lunch, I added mixed greens with some heirloom tomatoes and a side of fresh blackberries.

Great way to start the day.


  1. As usual, this example of Joe's cooking was a thing of beauty and a tasty joy forever. He just has that touch.

    1. It was a nice change of pace. Thank you for enjoying it.
